10 wrong ways of using your computer

Today we are going to start a series of posts in which we will see 10 wrong ways of using your computer. These are just 10 things that many people do that are not exactly the best way to use their computer, some of these are just basic mistakes or just don’t follow exactly best practices, we will explain what those are and why you may want to do things a little differently to improve your experience using your computer and many of them will be only for Windows and Windows 10 specifically, but some of them will apply no matter what type of computer you are using.

Hidden options in Windows 10 start menu

One thing a lot of people do wrong is simply use the default start menu without customizing it at all with Windows 10. You can actually customize the start menu and tiles there a lot. Can delete everything if you want, you can add whatever shortcuts you want. You can add common shortcuts to the program folders you use often.

That way you can really reduce the amount of clutter on your desktop. For example, you may have fewer icons there on the taskbar and have shortcuts to the folders in the library like documents images, videos etc. in there. I also have a lot of common creative software that I can launch from there. You can also put widgets for the weather, email things like that. And for that literally everything you have to do is to right-click on the different icons and you can delete or drag them to the Start menu. Now if you have hated the Start menu in Windows 10 because it’s so crowded and there’s a lot of junk in there. You can remove all of that and put whatever you want to.

Resetting your computer

Everyone knows that if you have a problem with your computer, the first thing you should probably try is to turn it off and back on again. It’s like a common sense right now. But, you might not realize that with Windows 10 There is a function called quick start which is enabled by default and actually does. So, if you really use the shutdown command, start the system back on, it doesn’t actually reboot completely the way it probably is. Because this quick launch feature made by Windows, will do more of the Hibernate type. Where it will save much of the running process and things from memory and put it on the hard drive. When the computer is restarting after shutdown actually restores many of those same processes. So that it doesn’t take that long to restart everything.

10 wrong ways of using your computer
10 WRONG WAYS of using your COMPUTER

So, the next time when you want to restart your computer by turning it off and on, again. Specifically to close everything and fix something. The real way you want to do is to go to Start menu and then reboot because that will wipe everything out of memory. It won’t use anything that was in the previous instance and it will reset completely. You can also disable the quickstart setting if you want but it isn’t recommended. Now the next, just keep in mind that if you want to restart the computer to fix something, actually restart.

Read the options in checkboxes while installing new software

When you are installing new software, one thing that most people do wrong is, they don’t read any of the actual options or checkboxes. They just click next through everything, assuming they need to have everything checked to install the program. This is almost never the fact. Sometimes you are required to check a box to accept some terms of a service. But many times they will also include other bloatware. Like, I agree to install this bar of tools. Or I agree to install all this garbage that I don’t need.

And many times they hide it between an advanced configuration options. So, generally what you want to do is if you have the option of installing software using advanced options. Click on that and usually you will only have the default options set by default to select anyway. When it comes to advanced options you can usually see if they hide something there and uncheck anything you don’t like. You will be amazed when you go to install something next time. How many of these options you just clicked above are not necessary and probably you install something you don’t necessarily want.

10 wrong ways of using your computer

Next 4 ways…

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